Friday, January 29, 2010

Can you describe success in one word?

Is there one word that defines success? Yes, there is. It's attitude.

And I'm certain that you have studied or been told that a positive attitude is the key to success. Not quite.

Attitude is defined as the way you dedicate yourself to the way you think. Your thoughts can be positive, neutral, or negative - and you choose them. You choose the way you think, the way you speak, and the actions you take. Positive, neutral, or negative.

What are your attitude thoughts, expressions and deeds? What are your attitude choices? Are you ready to win, or thinking you'll probably lose?

It occurred to me that the word attitude is just one part of the phrase that sets your thinking in motion. Attitude comes in many formats and circumstances. If you segment your attitude thoughts, you'll be able to focus more on a positive process and have greater impact on the outcome.

I believe all salespeople want to have a positive attitude, but situations occur that can cause challenges to your achievement.

Here are several specific attitude elements and insights that may help you better understand and maintain your positive attitude during those situations, opportunities, and moments when it counts:
Sales Attitude. Business is down, and you need to make more sales NOW. Do you believe you'll make the sale BEFORE you make a call or get to an appointment?
Value First Attitude. The customer wants value, not a sales pitch. Are you thinking about how you can bring value to others BEFORE you make a sales call?
Can-Do Attitude. You're challenged to get a project done or make that big sale. Do you believe you can do it BEFORE you attempt it?
Relationship Attitude. You know it's more than a sale. It's creating a long-term, value driven association. Is your mind set on what you can do to build relationships?
Winning Attitude. You know it's your turn to win. Do you think about AND believe you are a winner BEFORE you win?
Profit Attitude. There are two sides to profit. Do you believe you will get your price AND that others will profit as a result of dealing with you and buying from you?
Service Attitude. To serve is to rule. Are you thinking, "How can I be my BEST at serving others?"
Loyalty Attitude. You know that loyal customers breed more sales and greater profit. Do you believe that the actions you're taking will lead to more business and referrals from each customer you sell?
Money Attitude. You know it's not just making money; it's EARNING money. How do you think about money? Do you believe you are earning your money BEFORE you receive it?
Success Attitude. Everyone strives for success in his or her own way. A huge part of success is believing that you will achieve it. Do you dedicate time to think about your success and what it will take to make it?
Fulfillment Attitude. Fulfillment is a level beyond success. It arrives after you have achieved beyond your dreams and your money, and are at peace with your life and your relationships. You may not be fulfilled at the moment, very few people are. But you must think and BELIEVE that fulfillment is possible.
Five Year Attitude. Even though the achievement of attitude and the maintenance of attitude is a daily process, you must have a vision of your thinking. Where you will be five years from today will be determined by the actions you take today, and day by day.

My dad use to always say: "Son, the days and weeks go very slowly, but the years fly by." And so they do, and so do your positive attitude thoughts and actions.

Like many others, I owe my attitude awareness to Napoleon Hill and his teachings in Think and Grow Rich, Earl Nightingale from his timeless recording of The Strangest Secret, and to the quote from the most powerful children's book of all time, The Little Engine That Could. "I think I can. I think I can." I am the little engine that could baby !!

Unlike many others, I owe my attitude ACHIEVEMENT to multiple readings and multiple listens to them, and putting their ideas, philosophies, and strategies into my thought process and into action.