Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On Sales Activity...

There is a joke that my mentor tells all the time ,he said that in his first ever sales job his boss said one time , "Steve you only had 8 activities today , you have to increase that , the following day the boss looked at his activity and said: wow Steve look at you 23 activities way to go ,and Steve replied ; Bryan , I would have had a lot more but a bunch of people slowed me down by asking what I was selling"

Yes sales is a numbers game , smart numbers bubba!! not just numbers , we only have a certain number of "prime time selling hours" why not spending them in front of people who could say YES to you? Why do we waste our time peddling when we could be consulting? A big joke is the sales person that drives to the $30 stop appointment and on his way up there passes up 3 or 4 $500 dollar stops, now that's a joke and that it's a fact We've ALL done it (not you of course).

So what do we need to do to get in front of people that could say YES? simple answer? Ask the customers that you have sold to help you get in front of one customer just like them , afraid to go back? that only means that you did not make a friend r connection , you just made a commission and those can only take you so far , I have always said that if you sell for the commission you make some money , if you sale for the relationship you will make a fortune baby!

So starting today:

* STOP PEDDLING You are a sales professional ,not a tupperware rep.

* START MAKING FRIENDS You must foster relationships with your customers

* STOP WASTING YOUR TIME You are the owner of your time , stop spending it,invest it.

* STOP MAKING EXCUSES I have heard so many , but never a good one.

* TAKE RESPONSIBILITY You are the architect of your own destiny , start building.

* GET CREATIVE If you are not , read a book there are plenty me.

* GET BETTER Study your profession , learn every day something new.

* RECORD YOURSELF Making a presentation , it will scare you , but it works.

And more important , be friendly , be professional , be prepared , be enthusiastic , be positive....FRIENDLY SELLS , if you are not frindly get out of sales and go work at the Post Office ...they love rude people there.

Remember that you don't get good at sales in a day , you get great at sales day by day.
Now go out and have a great sales day!!