Sunday, May 23, 2010

Every person, you included, wants to achieve more, earn more, find happiness, be successful, and be fulfilled. At the root of all these elements is attitude.
Positive attitude, your positive attitude.Every person, you included, instinctively knows that.

Yet most people, you included, don’t really possess a positive attitude. Oh, you may think you do, but I promise you, you don’t.
Most people don’t read about attitude,Most people don’t study attitude,Most people don’t practice attitude,Most people don’t live the essence of attitude,Most people don’t live the principles of attitude,Most people are not dedicated to attitude.
You included,In fact, you may have never read a book on the subject of attitude.

I believe I was born with a positive attitude, and I believe you were born with a positive attitude. It took 34 years for me to discover mine. I wonder if you have found yours yet.

Everyone, you included, has heard the expression, “Attitude Is Everything!” Let me break down the elements of that expression for you – maybe for the first time. Attitude controls, rules, affects, and directs your career, your family life, your personal life, and you. It affects or can impact your relationships, your business success, and your health.

Attitude has power. Personal power. And the best part is: YOU CONTROL IT. You determine the way you think about, develop, and deliver your attitude.
The simple difference between “POSITIVE” and “YES” When something great happens to you, you don’t scream “POSITIVE!” When something great happens to you, you scream, “YES!” It’s subtle, but powerful language, when you come to that mental and verbal understanding.

What language do you speak? No, I don’t mean Spanish, French, or English. I mean positive or negative, what Attitude language? Years ago, I remember hanging out with my grand father, as Alzheimer’s was starting to take over his mind, I was looking out the window at the pouring rain. “It’s going be an ugly day,” I said, “I don’t think so,” he said, in a soft, reassuring tone. You see, from where he was sitting, he couldn’t see the rain, and was thinking about “the day” not “the weather.” It’s the small wording of expressions like that, that lead to a “bad day” for anyone, even you. A rotten day starts with the way you think about it, and the way you talk about it. It’s not about the weather outside. It’s about the weather inside – inside your mind.

How’s the weather in your world? One of the definitions of a positive attitude is: The way you dedicate yourself to the way you think. And you are in complete control of it.Thinking positive is a self-discipline. A daily self-discipline. You control it. You make it happen, or not. Taking positive actions is dependent on positive thought. If you don’t THINK positive, you will not BE positive, and you will not DO positive.

There are many definitions of attitude, and there are many ways to look at attitude. Books have been written on attitude that you have not exposed yourself to. All of them are helpful, all of them are good, and all of them must be studied if you want to achieve your positive attitude. Books like How to Win Friends and Influence People or The Power of Positive Thinking contain the philosophies, strategies, and the connected stories of men and women who have achieved their positive attitude – and can help you achieve yours. You should own them and read a few pages every day. (That’s one of the secrets of attitude: read and study attitude for 15 minutes a day). Positive attitude is yours for the taking, all you have to do is read, study, and apply – every day.
The challenge of positive attitude is for you to decide that you’re willing to dedicate the time, and that you have the desire to make it happen for yourself.