Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have gone through many transformations , from being a little child to being a stupid teenager , to a stupid adult , to a grown man.
My grand father always use to say “getting old is mandatory , growing up is optional” powerful stuff, I’m going to miss that man , he is not gone yet , his mind doesn’t work the same , in fact his mind is very slow , that is such a sad thing to happen to such a remarkable man , I have said good bye to him , I did that 6 years ago when he had his first aneurism , and found also alzheimers , it was the longest good bye , it lasted for a year , and in that year I spent so many days with him just talking , listening , jotting down notes on his thoughts , his feelings but most of all , his business philosophy , as I said before , I come from a Family of Lions.

I evolve everyday , of course my daily change is not as noticeable as the big changes that I have consciously made in my life , in the way I think , in the way I conduct myself , I am true to myself , I know who I am , and where I want to go , for the most part I know the way , the course changes from time to time and that’s ok , at different stages of my life , different things have been important to me , I didn’t understand why , I did not have the reason behind my dreams , I did not have a clear understanding of why I wanted the things I wanted , therefore I rarely attained them.

Today I know the why , my last two changes were difficult , I chose to make a much better living over keeping my body extra fit , don’t get me wrong , I am fit , I am strong , I am fast , it just means that I went from riding and running 6 days a week , to running 4 days a week and riding 2 , have I gain weight? Sure I have , are my workouts harder? You better believe it baby , I ride in 2 days what most riders could only hope to ride in 4 weeks , and what most “avid riders” do in a full week of riding , is 175 miles a lot for 2 days? Yes it is , is 32 miles a lot for 4 days of running? I sure hope so . it feels like 100 miles.

My point here ( besides the obvious ego boost) is that we have to adapt to our situation , we have to “make it work” , no I don’t like to ride 110 miles in one day every Saturday , but we all have to do what’s best for us , I don’t like working 50 hours a week , and I will be working at least 10 more hours a week with my start-up business , I made a conscious decision that yes , in order to achieve my goals personal and professional , I have to work my ass off , nobody is going to hand me the money that I need , nobody is going to wave a wand and make me fit , I chose financial success over fitness , I punked out I know , but do you want to know a secret? I have had them both , and certainly financial success feel better , and when you achieve financial success , you can have all the time in the world to run , ride, swim or whatever you want to do , no point in being a broke fit guy, I have been that as well and it sucks.

I am a salesman , I sell for a living , if I don’t sell , I don’t eat , if I don’t sell , my daughter doesn’t eat , “ You think you are a good father? Fuck you , go play with your kids and starve with them “ (Alec Baldwin , Glengarry Glen Ross) selling is for winners , coffee is for closers , to the brave the spoils right?
So let me ask you , how brave are you? How tough are you? And no I don’t mean if you could carry yourself in a fist fight , I mean how big is the fight in you ? how much heart do you have? How many times have you fallen and got up again? How many times has life punched you in the face ?

Simple formula , E+R=O EVENT + REACTION = OUTCOME , everything in life has an outcome right? What if I tell you that you have the power to change the outcome of a situation? You cannot change the event , you can’t change what happens , you can only control what you do with it , you can control your reaction , you can control your attitude , therefore you can change the outcome.

Go ahead change , change is in the air , change is good , embrace it don’t fight it , remember that you can adapt to anything except for not eating or breathing , be bold without being a bully, be humble without being timid , be strong without being cocky, be exceptional , be memorable.

When you were born , you cried while your world rejoiced , live your life so that when you die , the world cries while you rejoice.