We all are looking for the happy ending , we all want the story book love affair where everything ends up working out and the 2 lovers end up being together , the bad guys get what they deserve and the credits roll out while we are sipping wine by the beach on a beautiful sunset with the one we love.
I believe that in order to achieve results we must first fall in love with what we are doing,how else are we going to wake up everyday excited for everything we have going on, excited that we again have one more chance to take charge of our lives, to make a difference in our future, to build today what will support us later.
Remember the first time you fell in love? What a feeling baby! Why do we fall in love? And do we really fall in love?
How to translate that emotion into an activity? How to translate it into your career?
I'm sorry to tell you but you can't bubba....love can't be forced , love can't be planned
Love can only be , love is love and it comes from a reaction that our brain has to something or someone , it obviously doesn't come from our hearts.
Sad huh? So what do we do? Sure you can do something you hate for 20 years ,or do something that does fill you as a person , but what kind of life is that ? You want to do something where you would do it for free if you had to ...are you doing that??
Love hurts baby , sometimes even though we are doing what we love , we get the blues , we get down on ourselves , you can only get back on track by digging deep into your power well, dig deep into your emotional resources...but here's the thing , only by loving what you do will you have those reserves.
Ask yourself what do I want?
Ask yourself what do I need?
Ask yourself what do I have?
I don't mean in material terms, I mean in fullfillment , relationships,drive,love for what I do,hobbies.
Once you figure out those answers it will be easier to start your path into getting what you want and what you need.
We all want the same , we all need the same , some have it ,some don't , some have the drive to go and get it and some....well you know.
Love is a beautiful feeling don't you think?