I hope that you all had a great and re-energizing weekend, I know I did.
Let's talk about price objections.... I wish I had a dollar for every sales person that tells me the biggest objection he or she gets is price.
Don't get me wrong price is a complex barrier that deals with customer sub-headlines like:
real need, affordability,hidden agendas , value, prospect perception,prospect lies etc...
The only good news about price objections is that they are often buying signals in disguise.
Six things we can do to keep price integrity:
1) Support the price you give as the true price.
2)Use the fact that our price is higher as a reason to buy.
3)Use testimonials
4)Sell our competitive edge ,not our price.
5)Sell the decision maker on the relationship.
6)Sell everything but price.
Look, I know that price comes into play most of the time , however there are statistics to show that 74% of sales cuts are started by the sales people and not the customers,that usually happens because we know our competition price, and we are oh so desperate to make the sale ,among so many other "insecurities"that we second guess our decisions and our offerings.
I said last week that we are at a cross roads , we have the opportunity and the ability to make every single one of our goals a reality , we must however have a BURNING DESIRE to do so , I believe that talent can only get you so far , hard work is the second part of that equation, you have heard me talk about preparation and hard work , now we are going to start and track this preparation.
But we are to move forward ,I invite all of you to start preparing , study up , read up , work on your scripts , work on your outgoing voicemail , work on your cold call techniques, your negotiation skills , your closing skills etc..
Please excuse my super long email , I get carried away when I get excited about a topic.
Have a great sales day!
Good morning, its Tuesday , are we positioning ourselves this week to make up for last week's shortcomings? I want to remind you that we do have a quota , we can't be elephant hunting only , we must make sales , we get paid when customers sign their name on our agreement.
I know that ALL of you are rainmakers, and even the best sometimes get "the blues , the I'm sick of it,the I don't want to do it , I can't do it,I can't sell anything"
Sometimes even the best doing everything right go 0 for 20.
So what do you do to pull yourself out?
Mentally blank out your cold
Poker face your brain
Don't give in,don't give up
Don't second guess yourself
Don't get mad at the maybes
Get up an hour earlier,study
Get up an hour earlier ,exercise
Objectively review your sales
Autopsy your dead sales
Call every customer you lost
Dig deep into your own fuel.
Your parents said it best : do your homework , make friends , be nice, pay attention.
This were all lessons for life , why do we stop when our business cards are printed? We have a contracted obligation to our company to do well , but we have a moral obligation to ourselves and our families to do great , why should we do average then?
I invite all of you to wake up and smell the coffee , we are the architects of our own destiny , and we are building it today.
Have a great sales day !
Middle of the week , how in line are your results today with what your goals were on Monday? You still have time to balance it to your favor.
Sometimes we scratch our heads trying to figure out why in hell did a prospect give us an appointment right? The first things that comes out of their mouth is "we are doing business with your competitor,they are a good company,their products are good and they treat us well"
Wow , what just happened? If you do not understand what is really going on,and if you are unprepared , you might melt into a puddle of putty.
Look, busy people don't give out appointments just to waste their time (some do,but most don't)they are not going to waste their precious time "just to see what's out there" THEY GAVE YOU AN APPOINTMENT AND THAT'S A BUYING SIGNAL.
What I understand when that happens is that they are really saying:
"Look,I made a mistake hiring my present vendor,but I can't admit the mistake I made or it will hurt my career or it will make me feel stupid ( if they are a business owner) I have a problem and I need a solution that I can bring to my company before this bites me in the ass. Please please , please help me but let me save face and act like a tough guy, now say something that will help me"
This is thinking with a YES attitude this is thinking positive , look we are already there , assume that this prospect will buy from you because of this.
Want to know what you can say?
"Thank you for taking some time to talk to me. Based on our experience with companies like yours,and based on my research, we are confident we can save you at least fifteen thousand dollars in lost productivity and extra fees throughout the life of your agreement, may I continue?
Then you ask the 40 or 50 questions that you PREPARED,WROTE AND PRACTICED.
Turn the first buying signal into a buy.