I have been writing to you for about a year now , I have learned in this year the importance that putting thoughts into paper has , I've said it many times , words are powerful , words once said can uplift someone or completely destroy them , so be impeccable with your word , don't say hurtful things even when you are dying to say them , you cannot take words back,most people will forget your encouraging words,they will always remember your hurtful ones...be impeccable with your words.
Time management is an oxymoron, time cannot be managed ,it cannot be
controlled in any way -no scientist no matter how smart can create new
minutes , so what can you do? manage yourself !
Successful people understand that time is the most precious commodity on
earth, as a result they know where their time goes.
I've talked about "investing" your time rather than spending it. Investing
your time is to exercise instead of sitting at the couch , read instead of
watching tv , listen to positive audio cd's in your car instead of the
radio , being with your family , being with your friends....the hours that
you "spend" doing unproductive things you will NEVER get back , start
small,cut back an hour a day of tv.
Start asking the person in the mirror some real questions , you know the
answers ...want examples?
What should I stop doing?
What should I keep doing?
What should I start doing?
Sounds simple enough right?well the good news is that it is, but you must
be honest , if you have to be honest to one person in this world is
yourself....start today.
Time is an equal opportunity employer, we all get the same 24 hrs a day ,
use yours wisely.
A positive mental attitude, a YES attitude a winning attitude , is
determined by you , not others , big news flash huh?
The way you dedicate yourself to the way you think is the definition of
attitude, either positive or negative , your choice.
Your mental attitude is your motivation and your inspiration, start with
good positive thoughts and good positive things WILL happen. "Thoughts
become things".
Believe me that wherever your self belief is , that's where your thoughts
and your results will be , one example is this : when you are riding your
bike , the bike will go wherever your head is facing , not your hands ,
look straight ahead at the beautiful road , not to the sides at the scary
Believe in yourself , believe that this is the best time of your life ,
believe that you are the best sales person in your territory,believe that
you are the best sales person in this organization.....believe believe
believe , it WILL happen.
Success is a daily choice , success is to carve in your psyche that only
you can take yourself up the mountain, only you can decide for yourself to
BE successful , why not start today?
I am the best sales person in my territory
I am the best in my field
Everything I touch turns to Gold
Nobody can say no to me
Everything begins with a yes
I have perfect memory
I have perfect diction
I believe in myself
People believe in me
I will succeed today
Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow is not here yet
I will succeed today
I am the best in my field
I know it sounds hoky and dumb , tell yourself that everyday until it
becomes a mantra.
Give yourself everyday 20 minutes , 15 to read anything positive
-quotes,stories,videos- then sit down and breath and tell yourself this for
5 minutes , do it for 30 days and see what happens.
Good things begin with good thoughts.