We obviously all know that Whitney Houston died. And while all the speculation on how she died takes over the media, I thought about why she died.
When we see icons that fall from grace we all have the same questions and they always have the same answers….She couln’t handle fame (or something along those lines). And my question is, would it be hard to handle fame and money? isn’t that what we strive for? maybe not the fame but the money absolutely. Theses people are not equipped emotionally to handle anything,not even themselves.
So the lesson here is, prepare, prepare yourself for success and for failure because you will encounter both in your life bubba. With that being said , I am not suggesting you become a negative person, I mean we all struggle with staying positive and have negativity crisis from time to time.I used to be the kind of positive person that would go after Moby Dick on a row boat and bring the tartar sauce with me,but that is sometimes dangerous. Adjust your settings and have your goals be attainable and realistic.
So….what are you going to do today to make them happen?
See youo at the top