Talent without character is no good to anybody. there is a natural aristocracy amongst men, that aristocracy is defined by character and skill.
I have seen so many talented people waste their life because effort was not applied,they hadthe skill but the character was absent.
Stainless steel - a great invention. But what about a stainless character? On that is noble, aspires for excellence in all pursuits and never gives up in pursuit of its ideals. Even better.
What is within must always appear outwards. What I mean by that is that the quality of your inner world eventually is reflected in the quality of your outer world. A person who dreams pristine dreams and who is impeccably honest,good,ethical and stands for what's best will soon act in alignment with those values. And those actions cannot help but drive extraordinary results. Inner always creates the outer.
So,fake it until you make it? whatever you have to do, just do it.