Its easier to be part of a problem than part of the solution to that problem. Its easy to become a cancer within your own organization and join bashing and discontent, however , this only takes you down a path where it is almost impossible to crawl your way out of.
Its easy to say “that’s not my job” “why they and I don’t?” or “why me and not them?”
Sometimes we don’t even realize it because of our bitterness , we are so wrapped up expecting some reward for just doing our job , that we miss the opportunity to enjoy doing our job
Only extraordinary effort is rewarded in life, ordinary effort will give you…ordinary results.
Doing what we are paid to do is nothing to deserve a reward beside your earned salary, going above and beyond your duties is.
Be a company man, a company woman , see the benefit for Us , rather than just you, see it this way and it will come back to you ten fold.
This week, find ways to surprise yourself with an attitude of service.