No matter how this year was for you… next year can be even better.
If it was great, you can parlay that success to make next year truly
extraordinary. If it was less than great, this is your chance to punch the
reset button and start fresh.
When the page flips on the calendar and you wake up on January 1… THAT
could be the day… the first day of your BEST YEAR EVER.
A new year gives you that chance… the promise that no matter what’s happened
in the past or where you are today, you can recreate yourself. You can decide that
THIS IS IT… THIS IS the year you set out to accomplish your dreams. THIS IS
the year you live the life you were meant to live.
You can design this year to be your best year yet. How? There is a formula.
We all have the ability to achieve the seemingly impossible. The key is properly
inciting your creative power, revving up your inner drive, and channeling your
focus over a sustained period. It’s all about setting goals.
If you came short on your goals like most people did, like most people have , what are you going to do different this year in order to achieve them?
We have 62 days before this year is over, start putting together your list now,do not wait until December 31st to put together some half baked list with ridiculous goals.
Have 3 main goals
1) Personal/Spiritual
2) Professional
3) Fitness
Then have sub-goals for each category, give them a time line , but please do not write December 30th on them,you want to be done with your goals by December 1 so that you can start preparing for January 1.
I achieved 75% of my goals so far, my fitness is where I lagged because i focused on my personal and my professional , its OK , for many years I focused so much on my fitness that the 2 other areas of my life suffered.
I'm writing down my list.....Are you?