How long do we hang on to childhood dreams? The kind that make you want to grow up and be something, do something.
My mom always use to tell me: Arthur, be somebody, when you break down those words, they are powerful and my question to you, my question to me is; Are you Somebody? How do you know if you are somebody? I was always on a quest to have,to achieve, to have people see me and think ,wow that’s a successful guy,look at everything he has… pitiful.
My grand father use to say Always be dreaming, Always be learning and dedicate your time to a cause greater than you, now how do you suppose you do that? How do you find a cause greater than you? And once you find it, how do you start?
We have ALL been called for greatness, however everybody’s greatness is measured in different ways, do you know what your greatness looks like? Mine is simple: help as many people achieve their full potential as I possibly can, touch as many people with my words of inspiration and encouragement, the rest will take care of itself.
Now, right after I decided that I thought wait a minute, that’s just philosophy, what about action? What about my daily actions to get to a bigger goal? How am I going to do that while helping other people, how am I going to help myself? The truth is, you cannot help anybody without helping yourself first, you have to secure your own oxygen mask before securing other people’s.
So I started taking a daily dose of small steps, steps on anything and everything that I want to achieve, I use to take big bites at a time , now is small bites but consistently, the constant drop of water can make canyons , remember an apple a day, not 30 at the end of the month.
So my question again is how long do we hang on to our dreams? The answer is usually until its time to make them happen, until its time to start the actions that will get us closer to achieving them, and yes some dreams are childish, but some of them are real, when you thought I want people to know who I am, I want to be famous were those real dreams? you can still do that, smaller scale but you can still have the people in your world know Who you are, really know you, really connect with you, you can also be famous in your world for being dependable, for being loyal, for being loving, for being helpful.
On our way through life we of course encounter problems that get in the way of our dreams, what do they really do?
Problems create Patience
Patience creates Hope
Hope creates Action
Action creates Persistence
Persistence creates Results
If we had no problems , life would be a beautifully paved road, leading to nowhere, obviously we don’t look for problems, we don’t pray for problems , they are just part of life, they come and go as they please, We can’t prevent bad things from happening, all we can do is control our reaction, how we react to problems or situations will definitely affect the outcome.
Be somebody, powerful words, are you working hard in making sure that you achieve this? Why not start today? Why not do your best every time? Why settle for mediocre when just a little extra effort could be the big difference maker?
Art Hagopian