Ever heard the Rocky Balboa song in your head as you are preparing for a task, as you are preparing for a sales call? What is our motivation ? What drives us to do? To seek? To achieve?
Not very many people have the answer to this very philosophical question , you might do things without knowing , you might seek things without thinking about it.
The answer is complicated , we as sales people must always stay motivated , our internal balloon needs to be pumped every day , what happens when that balloon loses air? We fall apart right?
We think that the world is coming to an end when a prospect has the audacity to say NO , ah but how incredible it feels when everything we do turns into sales into YES , then we walk with a swagger , we get our mojo back , nothing can stop us , what a feeling baby !
In life , everything we do , is tied together , I’m sorry to tell you that bubba , but is true , our personal life is tied to our professional life inevitably .
The first thing we must have in place is our philosophy , without this very important piece in place it is impossible to move ahead , what are you all about? Why do you do the things you do? What is the motivation behind it all? I’ve said it before in previous writings that is not only about having goals , you must need to know why you have them , in order to reach them you must have a clear view and understanding of why you want/need to achieve them , without this in place bubba , you will always fall short.
Actions are the second part of this equation “just do it” Nike has said this for 23 years , does it work? We all know what we have to do , we just don’t do it right? Procrastination is the cause behind the won’t do , not the can’t do , Gerald Ford said “if you think you can , then you can , if you think you can’t , you’re probably right” , so spring into action today , do what you are supposed to do everyday , go out everyday with the attitude that everything MUST happen today , have a clear goal in mind as to WHAT is supposed to happen though , what is your daily bucket list?
Results are the direct reaction of your actions , whatever we do has a result , good or bad , if you chose to stay home and watch TV while eating your Cap’n Crunch during prime selling hours, then your results will follow , I wish I could sit here and tell you that just by wanting something we will achieve it , no no , we must strive to get it , we must act as if our life depended on it , and after all …..doesn’t it?
Your lifestyle depends on your results right? Are you comfortable with your lifestyle? Would you like a better car? longer vacations? a bigger house? a house in a better neighborhood?
If you are not happy with your lifestyle, look at your results , if you are not happy with your results, look at your actions , if you are not happy with your actions look at your philosophy……the answer lies between this elements.