How long does it take for you to give up on a customer? 1 call? 2 , 3 ? do you have what it takes to stay on track and get to YES ? it takes at least 7 NO's to get to a YES , and it does not mean that the prospect will say no 7 times it just means that it takes at least 7 exposures to a prospect to get him or her to give you an order or sign your agreement , all the prospect is telling you is:
"You Have Not Sold Me Yet"
What do you do ? you say (with a dumb voice) thank you for thinking about us , I hope we could be of assistance in the future could I could I leave my literature ? But you're quitting , You Are Q u i t t i n g...
Do you remember when you were a kid? how did persistence help you when you wanted something? when you wanted to do something? you persevered and you got your way pretty much every time , so why do we stop doing that when our business cards were printed?
I look at my dog Louie and boy does he get his way , every time he wants something he will let you know about it , he will pester you until he gets it , please don't think that I am suggesting for you to beg or for you to whine, that is not my intention , what I am trying to do is for you to understand that in order to get your way you must be persistent.
You must stay in front of your customer CAUTION;you must have a message of value every time that you make contact , you can't just call and say ( again with a dumb voice) I , I was just calling to see if you have made a decision , or I was just calling to see if you had time to look over my proposal....Do you really think that they made a decision and just forgot to call you? come on bubba !! You are better than that aren't you?
So what are you doing to be different than your competition? what are you doing tonight that will prepare you to be succesful tomorrow morning? wnat an idea? How many new objections have you heard lately? I can tell you that not many , they are all the same , no money , not the right time , economy sucks , I love my service and blah blah blah...Why don't you think about 10 more objections and the answers to ALL of them? that way you can have the answer when a prospect gives you that line.
I can tell you that there are plenty of sales people that take their career serious and you better hope they are not working for your competition.
Remember that you don't get good at sales in a day , you get great at sales day by day...
Now go out and have a great sales day !